Aasha's Haven

a personal website, of sorts <3

about me

Aasha - meaning: hope
13-16 years old
INFP-T (MBTI), Type Nine (Enneagram)
Writer, Bookworm, Web Developer

This is my first neocity and I'm a little inexperienced, but if you find any bugs or issues that make the
website less accessible, do let me know!
an image of pink flowers and green leaves

This website is under construction right now! Which means... *flushes in embarassment* some of the links will not be working, and it's not mobile compatible. Maybe you'll be able to click the former and see my stuff one day...hehe.

Would you like to...feed my tamanotchi, Dawn, while you wait? :D

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!


Boom! This website came to life - the homepage was created.
Credits page added.
We now have a links page - full of amazing stuff made by amazing people!
Simply did some debugging and tweaking :)